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top things i learned in 2024.

2024 was really challenging, but so life-giving. The Lord used it to grow me and open my eyes even more to the beauty of the Gospel and how desperately I need to be reminded of it daily. I want to share some of the lessons, in no particular order, the Lord taught me as a testament of His grace and hopefully an encouragement to you too. Probably each one of them could be a blog post in itself, but for now I will just share a bit about each one. rightly processing my emotions

I wrestled through a lot of emotions last year and it often became really overwhelming and discouraging. Emotions are indicators. They point to issues and roots that are beneath the surface. They can be pushed to either extreme, we can either let them take control or we push them under the rug, and both are dangerous. In Scripture we see the beauty of lamenting to the Lord, because it is there we find healing, comfort, hope, and peace. It is a good thing to grieve and feel the weight of the things that happen, but we cannot stay there. So we feel them, we ask the Lord to help us discern them, we bring them to the foot of the Cross in humility and honesty, and ask the Lord to help us live in light of the truths of His Word, not our feelings. Take a look at psalm 13, 77, 116 and lamentations 3.

the Lord doesn't just tolerate me, He LOVES me

I don't know about any of you, but I am a little bit of a perfectionist and last year was made very aware of my sin and weakness (which was a grace of the Lord). I was constantly disappointed in myself and I projected that disappointment onto God, thinking He must always be frustrated with my failure. The Lord so graciously used people in my life to remind me that the Lord is not standing up in heaven shaking His head at me with His arms crossed, but because I am in Christ I am more loved than I could ever even fathom. Take a look at ephesians 3:14-21, romans 8, and 1 John 4.

the Gospel is for my every day

To be reminded of the Gospel everyday is not a failure or an embarrassment. we NEED the Gospel desperately to be at the forefront of our minds in everything. It is the very reason we are alive and breathing and have a living hope. the Gospel is for your everyday.

friendship is a gift to be treasured & cultivated

This school year I have been leading a girls discipleship group on campus through the book Made for Friendship by Drew Hunter. It has completely changed my perspective on what it means to do friendship biblically as opposed to culturally. It is deep and takes cultivation and intentionality, and it is a sweet gift from the Lord to delight in and one we will enjoy for the rest of eternity! We also have friendship with Jesus, our King and Savior, because He has invited us to be His friends (John 15:15-17), what a privilege! If you never have, listen to the hymn What a Friend we Have in Jesus.

I am not managing my time, I am stewarding the time & opportunities He has given me

This was sometime the Lord convicted me of during a discipleship retreat in September. I was preparing for the busiest semester all of college and was stressing over how I was going to manage my time. Then I realized it wasn't my time I was managing. Every hour I have is from the Lord. He has given me every opportunity I have ever had and I am a steward of them. It had to be a daily mindset switch. So, whatever you are committed to for 2025, look at is as an opportunity to steward the gifts, time, relationships, work, and opportunities the Lord has given you.

delight in the Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart

This comes directly from Psalm 37:4. I feel like often we think as Christians we need to get rid of our desires in order to be faithful and open to the Lord's leading. That is impossible, missing the point, and might actually be fear of not receiving that thing, rather than faith. The Lord uses and works through our desires for His purposes. What we should really be focused on is delighting ourselves in the Lord and the Holy Spirit will align the desires of our heart with the Lord's, He will refine them. He also is our Father in heaven who loves to give His children good gifts (matthew 7:9-11). Another thing is to ASK the Lord for what you desire, instead of just hoping He will give it to you. Asking requires faith and a humble submission to God's sovereignty. I promise, you can trust Him.

He disciplines me for my good & His glory

Hebrews 12:10-11 says, "For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." The hardship that we endure is the Lord's discipline as our Father who loves us. It is not purposeless, we have hope that He is molding us so that we may look more like Jesus through every season and situation!

I am not fighting my fear by my own strength

I realized a few months ago that I have been trying to fight my fear with my own foam sword instead of using the Armor that the Lord has given me and wondering why I keep being defeated. He has given us everything we need for a life of godliness (2 peter 3:3) and has equipped us to fight in the battle that rages on, not of flesh and blood. Do not be overcome by fear because you are fighting with your own weapons. If you are in Christ you have the Living God, the Holy Spirit inside of you who will strengthen you and empower you to say no to fear, lies, and doubt, and YES to what is true and lovely and good.

the Lord is worthy of my worship, even when I'm not 'feeling' it

There are times when I'm just not feeling it. Maybe you feel this way sometimes. I needed to be reminded that I should not just praise the Lord when I'm feeling it. He is holy, worthy, good, faithful, powerful, glorious, wonderful, amazing, no matter what I am feeling. Something that has been helpful for me is either reading psalms of praise, or just thinking through intentionally in my mind truths about who the Lord is and what He has done to pull my eyes off of myself and to give my God the praise He deserves. And you know what? I always feel better afterwards. I hope some of these encouraged you! Share this post if you know of someone else who might need this reminders. May Christ be magnified and may you find hope and rest in the Gospel today.


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